Champion Studio Geoff Mcfetridge Contact      
Bury Me In The Sand
Mollusk, San Franscico
Mollusk ( is a surf-shop in the Ocean Beach area of San Francisco. They have a small closet of a gallery in the back of the shop. Hanging shows in this type of space is the opposite of a large institutional gallery. Almost anything looks good and works. This was a collection of new and older work I have done that has surf or sidewalk surfer themes. I also created 5 new silkscreens editions for the show.
The title comes from my daughter, who had asked me to bury her in the sand as I was working on the show. With the graphic I thought it could take on a second meaning; I want to die at the beach, or when I die, bury me in the sand... but don't leave my head sticking out for the birds to peck at.
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